Research & Innovation
Some of the great minds in the fields of astrology, got together to find a solution for one of the most common questions any person faces in their lives – “What do you want to do next?”, taking the findings of the great psychoanalyst, Dr. Carl Jung as the foundation of their innovation. The mindset behind the conception stemmed from the want of helping people. Following the same vein, they have come up with the concept of CogniAstro, and together with the science of psychology as well astrology, they are trying to ease the worries of the people about their future in regards with their education and career.
An Answer to Your Queries
A common question that all mentors - spiritual or otherwise, often have to face from anxious parents and children alike, is about their education and future career. With AstroSage, already they have aided hundreds of thousands of people and answered numerous questions about their future, now they are attempting to do the same in a different manner, with CogniAstro. Ever since the day of the establishment of CogniAstro, the mission of Founder, Mr. Punit Pandey has always been to help people in taking the right decisions. Career is one such most essential decisions in life. He has always been one to utilize the ancient and divine science of Astrology in a much more modern context, and he is once again doing the same to answer the question concerning our future in terms of education and career here.
The Best Of Both Worlds
Now with the progress of Computer Science and predictive branches like Artificial Intelligence, CogniAstro Labs has finally succeeded in inventing an entirely new method of helping people decide the best career for them moving ahead of psychology-based tests. They have created a methodology to choose the careers and majors for any individual, which will help maximize their potential and help them in always moving forward in their field. This new method is being named CogniAstro, which combines the best of both the world – Psychology and Astrology.
The CogniAstro Model
While explaining about this technique that they have created, Mr. Punit Pandey says, “I have developed a model which gives a much better insight into an individual’s personality and cognitive abilities. Without understanding these aspects, it is impossible to help somebody with Career Counselling. I believe this is ground-breaking research, and our CogniAstro Career Counselling tools will be the most accurate tools in this area in the future. [sic.]”
He further explains that this model involves the single step of entering one’s birth details instead of taking a lengthy and tedious psychological test, thus shortening the whole process. As a result, the report will be according to their birth chart and since the analysis combines the models of astrology and psychology, it produces one precise summary. It will give one, a much clearer understanding of themselves which enables them to decide better, where exactly will they flourish best. Several surveys conducted by CogniAstro Labs, in this direction have proven this theory to be true.
Psychology & Astrology
The definition of Science changes and has changed, with time. Once unquestionably a part of this field, Astrology has been termed as a pseudoscience today. What many ‘sceptics’ do not understand about this branch is that astrology does not rely on predictions or superstitions entirely. Instead, it is a very exact science wholly based on mathematics, planets, planetary movements, and other similar factors that affect human life. Most of the factors taught in Vedic Astrology and others since times unknown are being proven right progressively, by the tangible Science that people believe in presently.
Science Of Astrology & Dr. Carl Jung
Dr. Carl Jung, the founder of analytical psychology, spent his entire life wrapped up in his work. He believed that the science of astrology is already ahead of and more definite than psychology. Working further upon his thoughts and theorems, as well as the ancient knowledge of great sages and mentors alike, some of the great minds at CogniAstro Labs were able to come up with a career counselling analysis method that combined the factors of both the sciences of astrology and psychology, to develop a model similar to what Jung wanted.
Our research and numerous surveys on large number of groups, as well as taking celebrities and other renowned personalities of various fields into account, have proven to us that the astrological method of analysing one’s personality, traits, and therefore, major and career, is more precise in comparison with the psychology based tests, no matter how truthfully taken.
The Personality Model
This report is based, roughly, on Dr. Carl Jung’s descriptions of various personalities according to their vocational interests. We are dividing an individual’s occupational preferences as per their nature, personality, and character and have differentiated six categories, continually developing them to give us the final paradigm based upon the RIASEC model. We have categorized six possible personality types for any individual, namely:
- 1 Realistic (Doers)
- 2 Investigative (Thinkers)
- 3 Artistic (Creators)
- 4 Social (Helpers)
- 5 Enterprising (Persuaders)
- 6 Conventional (Organizers)
Any individual, falling under a particular personality type, will seek out and flourish in the specific career environments that fit their character. This six-category scheme does not imply that there are only six types of people in this world, but rather that there is a simple ordering of a person's resemblance to each of the six models. Everyone is a mix of these characteristics, and their personality incorporates the traits of each of the six, in a certain degree that varies person to person.
RIASEC Personality Types Defined

R: Realistic (Doers)
These are the people who prefer ‘doing’. They are active, competitive, and often assertive, and take an interest in activities that have a requirement of motor coordination, skill and strength. Their problem-solving methods also include being hands-on and interacting with things physically, rather than sitting and thinking or talking about the situation. Such individuals prefer a concrete approach, instead of theorising in the abstract. Therefore, such people tend to have an inclination towards scientific or mechanical fields.

I: Investigative (Thinkers)
Such people have a thinking approach to almost everything in life. They work on and with data, think and observe, organize, observe, learn, investigate, analyse, and understand the information, so as to move through all the problems they face. These people are problem-solvers. Moreover, they prefer individual-oriented activities rather than grouped ones. They are good at understanding and solving mathematical and science problems, and are organized, structured, and careful. They see themselves as precise, scientific, and intellectual.

A: Artistic (Creators)
These are the creators of the group, who work upon ideas and things. Such people are creative, inventive, independent, and original. Moreover, they have an open, perceptive, sensitive, and emotional nature. These individuals do not conform to the premeditated structure and rules, but instead, prefer finding their own way. They prefer working on tasks that involve people or physical skills. Such people dislike highly ordered or repetitive activities, and are rather expressive and imaginative in nature.

S: Social (Helpers)
These individuals are the ‘social butterflies’ who prefer working with people. They have a need to teach and help others, they want to inform, enlighten, train, cure, or help them live up to their potential. They prefer communicating and discussion as a mode of problem solving and would rather not work with things, like machines, tools, etc. to achieve a goal. These people seek a close relationship with others more than needing an intellectual or physical connection.

E: Enterprising (Persuaders)
Such individuals are very good at talking and prefer working with data and people. They are considered to be good talkers and are quite energetic, influential, and sociable. They prefer leadership positions and can work well with leading, managing, persuading, influencing, or leading others for their gain or the gain of an organization. Such people value power, money, reputation, and status, and will usually go after it, or prefer a career where they can work towards gaining them.

C: Conventional (Organizers)
These are the individuals who prefer an organized way of living and working. Such people prefer working with data, something structured, ordered, and predictable, and prefer to work with numbers, records, etc., in a set, orderly way. They dislike unstructured or unclear work and interpersonal situations, and would rather follow the rules and regulations. These individuals emphasize self-control and place much value on things like reputation, power, or status. They are more of a follower than a leader.
CogniAstro defines the personality type of an individual, based upon this model, but instead of having to take a test, this differentiation occurs based on one’s birth chart (kundli).