The Conception of CogniAstro was done with the mindset of creating something that helps people be happier in their professional lives. This pioneering product has proven to be more accurate and better than the prevalent reports in all ways, as proven by the surveys conducted at CogniAstro R&D Labs and the facts given below:
We have discussed the differences between the CogniAstro model and the prevalent comparable aptitude/psychometric analysis, below:

An individual’s psychology and nature can change with time as they grow up, and their outlook alters with new experiences in life. As a result, the analysis report of psychology-based tests transforms with changes in the person. However, on the other hand, the CogniAstro assessment report is based entirely on astrology and the individual’s birth chart. Therefore, the evaluation will not change with time and will remain valid throughout their lifetime.

The CogniAstro report comprises of unique and easy-to-explore groups of careers that a person can navigate through to select the one that suits their individuality best. For example, if a person has an enterprising personality type, then the career option that the prevalent reports will give them will be ‘Businessman’. However, CogniAstro will offer them numerous options like architect, entrepreneur, fashion/graphic designer, lawyer, etc. to choose from, according to their interests.

With CogniAstro Career Counselling Assessment, every person receives numerous, varied options to choose from, for careers and majors as per their personality analysis. Instead of getting stuck with a single probable career and major, an individual receives several options that suit their needs that they can choose from as their perspective changes with time.

The Career Counselling report you receive after applying for the CogniAstro assessment gives clear, concise, and to-the-point directions concerning your steps for your future ahead, unlike most psychology based tests that base their reports more on possibilities and ‘maybe’s than on hard facts and implementation of commitments.

The presentation of the CogniAstro career counselling report is founded on a science-based decision-making process, predicated entirely on hard, conventional, substantiated facts instead of speculative predictions.

With the CogniAstro Career Counselling assessment, individuals need not spend a lot of their time on taking an elaborate test, sometimes wasting even up to hours on end, instead only filling their birth details will do the trick.

CogniAstro assessment utilizes an up-to-date and easy to read Occupational Outlook Handbook, that holds updated information on hundreds of occupations and career possibilities that any individual can opt for. Taking into account, the typical duties performed in the said occupation, the work environment, the standard education and training needed, the median pay, and the job outlook for the next 10 years for the career prospect, the report of an individual consists of the specific job options that will suit their unique personality specifically.
The speciality of the CogniAstro report lies in its uniqueness for every individual. Unlike several psychological based tests that have a certain amount of set results, CogniAstro has a myriad of possibilities depending on the date and time of the birth of the participant.